HOUSE IN BENIFAIRO? DE LA VALLDIGNA, A HOME IN THE HEART House in Benifairo? de la Valldigna. Are you looking for something different from the typical atmosphere of the city? We have something very interesting to offer: a house of nothing less than 5 rooms that you can take advantage of in your own way, in a mountain environment located in the heart of the Valldigna area, in the region of Safor. You can make fantastic trips to a lot of places with a great historical load: the Castle d’Alfa?ndec, the Parochial Church of San Juan Evangelista and the famous Monastery of Simat de la Valldigna, a few minutes from Benifairo?. You can also enjoy numerous natural sites, such as Els Clots, and incredible foods, such as coques de mestall, coques d’ametlo? and many types of rice dishes. Do not lose the chance! Contact us and we will give you more details.
Updated on August 27, 2024 at 11:49 am
provinceValencia prov
Código postal46791
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